Be refreshed in your spirit, soul, and body!

Why does this site exist?

We are living in a time when evil is increasing. Sinful natures and lies demoralize us and burden us. Yet, God's love and grace abound.

People need hope, found only in Jesus Christ. He is the only Truth, the Way, and the Life.

His precious blood shed for us on the cross of Calvary gave mankind victory over sin, sickness, fear, and death. His resurrection brings eternal life, to all those who receive Him as Lord and Saviour.

To all who've never known Jesus...

Dear Reader, there is only One God. He loves you. He is a Living God. Father, Friend and all in all. He will never disappoint you. We encourage you to come to Him in Jesus' name.

Learn what it truly means to be a Christian. You won't be lonely in this life but learn to thrive spiritually (emotionally and mentally) and physically in the presence of God, every day.

To every believer, especially the new in faith...

Redeem the time. Live for Jesus. Every day. Be Jesus to the world around you.

We write every week by the grace of God. Be edified, encouraged and comforted in time of need. This site provides fresh insights into a world that is changing fast. Be inspired by the Holy Spirit as you seek to navigate a wicked world.

Be A Witness

Your fellowship matters. You are members of the body of Christ. You have a new family - be a witness among them.


Your workplace matters. Do your work in all humility and lowliness of heart. Be the light of the world.


Where you are, locally, your home and neighbourhood, matters. Be a witness as you live among them.


Whether offline or online, let the words of your mouth and the meditation of your heart be acceptable to God.
