Partnership Of The Spirit

Why are churches failing spiritually? It is because of the lack of partnership between apostles and older believers. (Philippians 1:1-5)

The apostles are a travelling lot. The bishops and deacons partnered with the apostles to keep the standard and minister on a daily basis. 

The problem with conservative Pentecostal churches is that they get segregated into servants of God and believers. Only the servants of God are considered fit enough to oversee the church, which goes against Bible teaching and standards. 

Senior believers need to grow into higher spiritual standards so false apostles, pastors or teachers do not gain a strong foothold in running the church. 

While servants of God go truant and go against God's calling, senior believers, out of fear, fail to be pillars of the house of God. 

What is Paul’s expectation from older believers or non-apostles?

Paul‘s expectation from the elders is that their love abounds in knowledge and judgment. They approve of excellent things (Philippians 1:9-11). In verses 27 and 28, Paul emphasizes the need to strive for the faith of the gospel. To not fear the opposition and remain bold by speaking the truth. Paul acknowledges the partnership in upholding the faith. 

Why are older believers failing?

  1. Lack of godly vision for the house of God

  2. Lack of understanding of the higher doctrines

  3. Lack love, so do not know how to stand for the truth

  4. Some believe high doctrines are only for apostles and not believers

  5. Love their family and jobs more than God’s will concerning their lives

  6. Often, many believers are unable to stand for the truth because they have been spiritually bullied and bound by guilt and condemnation

  7. Today, many senior believers only talk behind peoples backs and do not take necessary action for the edification and comfort of the house of God. Some record conversations on their mobile phones and gossip with other believers. 

All of the strivings for the Gospel are not devoid of love. We can speak the truth in love only when we love the house of God and remain burdened for all. 

When we fail to speak the truth in love, we will also fail to pray for others in love.

Is the house of God your family? Then, do what it takes to preserve the family given by God through the power of the Holy Spirit of love. 

Maranatha, Praise God and Amen. 


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