Overcoming Self Condemnation

You are set up for victory in Christ Jesus by the Heavenly Father. You received salvation, water baptized, and Spirit baptized. What else will you need to stay convinced that God has set you up for eternity?

Adam and Eve did not have to worry about anything till they obeyed God. Abraham's lived his initial years in fear, doubt, and lies, but the moment he trusted God wholeheartedly, he got blessed abundantly. Every hero of faith had a perfect, faith-filled end. The self-righteous young man who came to Jesus thinking he had it all failed God's standards, unlike young Stephen. 

Many youths live in doubt and worry, pushing themselves further into self-condemnation. Stop thinking your way and start thinking in the way of Christ.

When we condemn ourselves, we make the gospel about ourselves. Jesus no more condemns you. Why do you? 

Obedience to God's will help you overcome condemnation.

Obey what God says in His word about yourself rather than surrender to what you think you know is true about you. God says I've got this, but you look at your lack and don't move forward and hurt yourself, trying to skip the perfect work God started in your life. 

Jacob wrestled with an angel to receive His blessing. Job stayed patient during his trial. Jesus did God's will throughout His life. Paul stayed faithful till the end by God's grace. 

Come boldly to the throne of grace when fears, doubts, and worries attack you. Receive strength in time of need and live Jesus.

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


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