Without Faith, It Is Impossible To Please God

Whether it's the doctrine of divine healing or any doctrine, instruction, correction and reproof, faith is mandatory to walk in it. 

Without faith, it is impossible to please God. 

If you aren't pleasing God, then you are living in unbelief. 

A brother called up to ask if he can take a pill for a slight fever he had caught. He ended by saying, "I need to have a lot of faith to stand for ________". He took the pill and later lamented his failure to trust in God completely.

Faith is faith. Little faith is not faith. There is no such thing as a lot of faith.

Great faith is faith but lacks the fullness required to live out the faith God called us into. The centurion exercised faith based on the things he knew or understood. 

We need the faith of the Son of God.

We need faith to live a Christian life. Every believer needs faith to walk in the high, holy, and heavenly calling of God. 

God gave us the grace to access His promises by faith. 

Put on Jesus to start walking by faith.

Jesus is the author and finisher of every believer's faith. To have faith in anything requires humility so God's faith can work in and through us. 

Instead of wondering if you have faith or not, for any matter, examine why you are in doubt. 

God's faith does not flicker and fade because we choose to neglect His direction. His faith is perfect. Staying in Him keeps us in His perfect faith. 

When we doubt, arguments begin to form in our heads. But but Luke was a physician, etc. Yes, but Jesus did not consult anyone about how to heal. Jesus healed all manner of sicknesses and all manner of diseases. 

You can look at what you don't know about Luke and conjure whatever you want to believe, or you can trust Jesus at His word and get your healing or whatever is necessary according to God's word. Stop putting yourself in a stressful spot. According to your faith, let things be. Seek Jesus diligently, and He will prepare you for the times ahead. 

No one is judging you because your faith failed. Look at Jesus, who wants to give you the victory only His faith can bring. 

Maranatha, praise God, and amen.


Jesus at the centre keeps the trust


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