Alone, not lonely

Are you afraid of being alone? Is loneliness an active deterrent in your daily walk?

Believers get lonely but are never overcome by loneliness. Why? Because they don't live on their strength. When they do, they get proud and weaken spiritually. Believers live daily with Jesus. Is there anyone better to spend time with than Jesus? No way, right? 

Many young and old believers fear being alone these days. Despite all the technology to boost your productivity for spiritual growth. When is technology perceived as bad? When we misuse it or let it control us. 

Most youths waste their time like Samson - Lusting after earthly things or relationships to soothe the cravings of their fleshly mind. A little time alone in the day is life-threatening for some as if they can't breathe. They need to do something tangible, or go somewhere or meet someone to fill their emptiness. Rather than use the time to know God, they waste away in whoredoms (friendships and frivolous activities) (James 4:4)


  • Apostle John, alone at Patmos, received revelation from God

  • Jesus often prayed alone. Those exits from everyone to be alone with God strengthened Him to endure hardness as a soldier. 

  • Daniel used his time alone with God to become a blessing

  • The apostles went through much persecution and trials alone. Yet they came out victorious because they leaned on Jesus. 

  • Esther, Ruth, and others lived abundantly trusting God

Dear believer, if you are feeling alone, lean on Jesus. Get to know Him more. You will learn about the Father's love and the power of the Spirit that will change your approach to life.

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen. 


Discipline Your Body


God Hears His Children