Giving God The Glory Is A Way Of Life

Most believers don't understand their role as a creation chosen to glorify God. They think of it from a fleshly perspective and not a spiritual one. Some think it sounds selfish.

Glorifying God is what Jesus did. We are doing what Jesus revealed on earth for man to do. A being like God (The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit) deserves glory - He is so lovely!

Live or die, the name of the Lord must be glorified (Philippians). Is your zeal for God like Jesus' or Paul's? Are you living for Jesus? Are you ready to die for Him? The answers will be evident to you when you examine your daily walk.

(John 17:4) Jesus glorified God on earth.

(John 4:34) doing the will of God and finishing His work is my food, Jesus said.


  1. (Psalms 50:15) (Jeremiah 33:3,6) Call during trouble and I will hear you and heal you. You will glorify me.

  2. (Psalms 50:23) praises glorify God. Praise without ceasing.

  3. (1 Peter 2:9) when you walk in the identity God has given you, you will shew forth God's Praise

  4. Fruits glorify God (John 15:8).

  5. (Isaiah 60:21) works of righteousness glorify God. (Micah 2:8) (1 Peter 4:14-16) (Matthew 5:)

  6. (1 Peter 4:11) preaching the word by grace glorifies God.

  7. (Isaiah 49:3) servanthood glorifies God - Faithfulness, obedience. Worship in spirit and truth. Overcome flesh (Philippians 3:3).

Dear beloved of Jesus, glorify Him all the time. Cultivate your relationship with the Holy Spirit to grow in love so you can glorify Him daily.

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


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