How To Know Your Worth As A Believer Of God?

How do you understand your worth as a believer? Did you know that when God chose you, He did it because it pleased Him? Isn’t it lovely to know that off the billions on the planet, you have His unique and everlasting love?

Does that mean God loves only those He chose? Of course not, God loves all. But, as a believer we are aware of His consistent and continuous love for us. We know He will never leave us nor forsake us.

“For the LORD will not forsake his people for his great name's sake: because it hath pleased the LORD to make you his people.”

‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭12:22‬

God is not like the parents on earth who may leave us for whatever reason (good or bad). He is ever present.

Stop wasting time finding your worth as a believer

Why waste time trying to please the world to get their approval? The Creator Himself has chosen you in His good pleasure.

Believers, especially children and youth, waste their time thinking about their unworthiness. Giving in to their inadequacies and insecurities. Today, many believers remain confused and go deeper into depression. Depression is a person without a body. It is a spirit which enters our heart when we stop believing in the word of God.

Do not give room for negative thinking in your life. Examine every thought and imagination. Place all thinking against the knowledge of Christ at the feet of Jesus. Meditate on the Word of God so you are able to test every spirit, recognise the source of your thoughts.

The shed blood of Jesus reveals the worth of every human. The believer needs to reflect that love to all.

Dear brother, sister, God is almighty. It is the power of resurrection that has held us together till now. Know that God is faithful and His word is all powerful. When we lean on Him, He will help us overcome all, everyday. Maranatha, Praise God and Amen.


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