Do not waste your time

We don't have time to waste. Wasting time leads to sin. An idle mind often leads to wastefulness that leads to sin. When we make a practice of wasting time, we begin to neglect what's necessary for life. 

Samson wasted time going after strange women. A highly consecrated Nazarite, separated by God from birth for the glory of God, ended up losing his vision and strength. 

Samson neglected the calling of God upon his life and lost the presence of God

King David wasted time on the terrace rather than staying focused on the war that was going on. He committed a series of sins. When we laze away our time during an ongoing battle, we get distracted and add to our troubles. 

Redeem the time. Do not waste your time.

God says, redeem the time. Use your time to seek God or stay involved in what He has already called us to do. 

Whether you are a full-time servant of God or not, you are a full-time believer. When we waste time, it reveals we have forgotten why God saved us. 

How can we neglect the salvation God has given us? (Hebrews 2:3). 

When we fail to give our time to God daily, we waste time doing things that take us away from God. We forget we are dust and give room for people and things that push us towards either worldliness or sin.

We end up neglecting the gifts God has given (1 Timothy 4:14). Our hearts get hardened, and we refuse to fall in line with the direction of God (Matthew 18:17). 

Stop and re-examine your walk daily to receive renewal and strength. Let the power of the Holy Spirit guide your thinking, speaking, and doing. God is faithful, and His presence is full of eternal pleasures. Nothing is more exciting, joyful, and wise than engaging with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. 

Prepare yourself to meet Jesus. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen. 


You will receive healing only if you want to


Faith In Jesus, Unites.