Who Is Blind?

You are the church. Your eyes are like a dove (SoS 1:15). Jesus calls His church 'beautiful'.


Worship the lord in the beauty of holiness (Psalms 96:9). What is the beauty of the church? HOLINESS.

Jesus is the King (Psalms 45:11). The church is wholly consecrated for Christ the King.

How are the eyes of the church? Like a dove.

What Do Eyes Signify?

  1. VISION: Young will see visions (Joel 2:17). Where there's no vision, people perish (Proverbs 29:18). Why is there no spiritual growth? Lack of godly vision.

  2. LIGHT: The eye is the light of the body (Matthew 6:22).

Who is called blind?

  1. Jesus questioned everyone in the synagogue (Matthew 23:19,20). Jesus called them blind and asked what's more important, the gift or the altar? It is the altar that sanctifies. The Pharisees did not have vision, though they had eyes. They loved their offerings more than the one who sanctified the offering. We need to have a vision about the altar.

  2. Who is blind? One who does not partake in the Holy table (Numbers 9:13). Jesus told Peter that if He did not wash Peter's feet then Peter had no part with Him. (Zechariah 3:1-5) Satan resisted Joshua.

  3. Who is blind? Those who do not wash the cup from the inside but only outside (Matthew 23:26). The self-righteous. (Luke 18:9, 11,12) The Pharisees looked down upon the Publican. Comparisons blind us.

  4. (2 Samuel 5:6) Those who discourage others are blind. They cannot capture the stronghold of Zion.

  5. Who is blind? (2 Peter 1:9) Those who've forgotten to sanctify themselves. (Revelation 3:17,18) Those who think they are better than others and don't need sanctification.

How are we before God today? Are we blind? We need to tell Jesus to open our eyes (Matthew 20:33).

We are beautiful to our Creator. Jesus loves you. Do you believe it? Repent. Fix your eyes on Jesus. Renew your vision.

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


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