Qualities Of An Overcomer

David prepares to face Goliath (‭1 Samuel 17:37-40)

David means ‘beloved of the Lord’.

God testifies about David that He has found a man who will do all His heart's will. We need to have the same testimony from God. David testifies that God will deliver him from the Philistine. We should give testimony of God.

King Saul lost his anointing. When we lose our anointing, we step out of God's holiness and good conscience. We will not be able to stand against the vile of the devil.

I don't have experience of wearing a literal armour. - Shepherd David

We cannot win with our weapons. The anointed will testify to God's faithfulness and might.

(Vs 49) Goliath ended up falling face flat on the ground. Despite shouting out threats for days and scaring the Israelites, his end was that of a big loser.

What practices are there in overcomers?

  1. (Deuteronomy 14:23) Fear of God. (Proverbs 3:9) They honour God with their substance.

  2. A heart that loves righteous practices (2 Peter 2:14)

  3. They seek the presence of God. They do not stay idle or wander with gossip. (1 Timothy 5:13)

  4. Stay Fruitful. We should not be unfruitful. Always do good work. (Titus 3:14)

  5. Reconcile with God (Job 22:21). Be a peacemaker among men.

David went to a brook and got his stones. Brook represents the Holy Spirit leading.


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