Christ Is Your Head, Not Your Pastor.

Are you a member of the body of Christ or your local church? 

What's the difference? It's huge! One is spiritual, and the other is carnal. 

A member of the body of Christ knows Jesus to be the Head of the entire spiritual body. To the member of a local church, a pastor or apostle is the Head. 

It's a key distinction for us to understand in the last few days as churches get filled with false apostles, teachers, and wolves in sheep's clothing. 

The local pastor is the Head of a church and represents Christ. He is an overseer and not an authority over your life. Christ has the ultimate authority over us, not man. (1 Peter 1:3)

Often believers get hurt when they engage with some ministers. Immature or arrogant, or lazy ministers leave deep scars mentally and emotionally on believers. But a member of Christ does not let insults and attacks burden them because they listen to Jesus. 

Many silly women get carried away by twisted minds in the clergy (2 Timothy 3:6,7), even men who lack understanding of God's word. 


We need the shield of faith (Ephesians 6:16). We need a heart full of God's love to stand against the evil attack. Love produces faith that is full of forgiveness and forbearance. 

Praise, prayer, and a renewed anointing transform us during trials and temptations coming against us. We receive wisdom and revelation in the presence of God to discern. 

Be closest to Christ rather than know people in the flesh. We love the family and friends we grow up with, but who can save you? Only Jesus. When you love Jesus, you will learn to recognize the value of relationships in your life. Not the other way around. 

Be the new creation God called you to be. Time is at hand. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen. 


3 Examples Of The Effect Of The Holy Spirit


Don’t let your struggles define your future