3 Examples Of The Effect Of The Holy Spirit

We are in the last days when the power of the Holy Spirit is as He was during the launch of the New Testament ministry at the upper chamber (Acts 2:1-3).

Many conservative Pentecostalists have turned the baptism of the Holy Spirit into a trophy. "Yes, I have received the Holy Spirit," they say proudly, but how long has it been since you rejoiced in Him?

The Holy Spirit is God Himself! When HE moves in us, we change. It's impossible to stand before a 100-ton truck and remain untouched. 

What is the effect of the Holy Spirit on the lives of believers? 

  1. Peter radically transformed from betraying Jesus to being slain for Jesus.

  2. Stephen, a youth, displayed Jesus-like forgiveness when he asked God to have mercy on those stoning him to death. 

  3. Paul was brutally beaten, stoned, and thrown out of Jerusalem half-dead. When the believers surrounded him, he suddenly got up and left as if nothing happened to him. Paul believed in the power of resurrection, the work of the Holy Spirit. It was the power of the Holy Spirit that raised Paul from the half-dead state.

Numerous other accounts reveal how miraculously the Holy Spirit transformed lives and did marvellous works for the glory of God. 

Jesus healed by the power of the Spirit. Whether it was raising people from the dead, healing, deliverance, or any supernatural work, He relied only on the Holy Spirit.

Give room for the Holy Spirit in these last days. Let God glorify Himself in and through you. 

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen! 


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