Love Meditates Day And Night

Why do we need to meditate on the word of God day and night? For protection from the devil who is the accuser of the brethren day and night. (Revelation 12:10)

Your feeling of a lack of purpose and meaning as a believer is a result of his constant accusations against you. He fills minds full of controversial thoughts and imaginations that go against the way of God.

The devil casts doubts and fears day and night, so we lose hope (Deuteronomy 28:66). 

Meditating on the word of God keeps us in the truth of our calling. We stay reminded of who we belong to and what our future holds. We get cleaned (John 15:3) and strengthened to walk by faith. 

Have you noticed how consuming social media drains energy? It's because of overriding the mind with words across different topics. Much of what we come across is either negative or divisive. 

Love changes everything

When we love God, we delight in His word (Psalms 1:1,2) and find ourselves in peace and freshness. But spending much time elsewhere weighs on our spirit. We feel burdened and exhausted spiritually and physically. 

As long as we stay in this body, we will remain in spiritual warfare, day and night. Knowing the word of God keeps us from being hardened and burdened by the enemy. 

Rejoice and be glad each day in the joy of the Holy Spirit. He alone nourishes our hearts and minds to live for the glory of God. Where God's word is, the joy of the Holy Spirit follows. 

Get ready! Our redemption is drawing near. 

Maranatha, Praise God and Amen! 


How Devoted Are You?


3 Examples Of The Effect Of The Holy Spirit