How To Pray Without Ceasing Every Day?

The verse pray without ceasing is intriguing for the natural mind. The word of God is not for natural interpretation anyways! So what does it mean?

How can someone pray without ceasing? We are humans with jobs, etc. This is where we look at scripture to understand how we need to approach the truth in this verse.

3 ways to understand how to pray without ceasing

1. Be the temple of God
2. Do all things to God
3. Love God with all your heart

The temple of God is the place to pray without ceasing

(1 Corinthians 6:19)
As believers, your body is the temple of God. We need to keep the body holy. A temple is always full of worship. Let praises ring! What happens when we praise God? We invite the presence of God. Do you think you can live a worldly life if your heart is filled with the presence of God? No, right? When we get filled with His presence, God manifests in and through us. Mostly in us, to prepare for whatever evil the day brings. To discern what is not His. We receive direction for life, His joy and pleasures forevermore (Psalms 16:11).

Do all things to God

(Colossians 3:17)
When in everything we do in word or in deed is to Him, we are praising Him. Let God be glorified in our every work.

Renew your love for God daily

(John 13:34)
When we love like Jesus, we will stay focused on doing God’s will. We will eagerly await God’s word for all matters of life. Then we’ll truly be in love. A renewal in God's presence will fill us with God's love to know what is good, acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

May we abound in the grace of God daily, as we surrender to His great love. Maranatha, praise God and Amen.


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