Joseph stayed focused on God despite being helpless

I cannot imagine the sense of helplessness Joseph would have felt after being accused of sexual assault by Potiphar’s wife.

Joseph, from being a slave, was promoted to a higher position as Potiphar’s second in command because God blessed the work of his hands. There was no one who had more power than Joseph in the absence of Potiphar, in that house.

Which quality of Christ best reveals Joseph’s actions? Joseph was poor in spirit. He did not fight for His rights. He did not claim innocence. Joseph accepted whatever false accusations were brought against him.

He was helpless, but not hopeless.

He trusted in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. No anger, or hatred or revengeful nature was found in him. He did not allow discouragement or depression to overcome him as well.

If you are helpless or hopeless, know God is present to deliver

In Christ, we are more than all these. How is your trust in God today?

Our helplessness is a sign to call out to God. It's not a position to give up, but start with God this time around. God separated us to mould us according to His will. It takes trusting in His perfect word to get out of the fear of helplessness. Most of the time, the grip of fear or shame overburdens us. Clouds our minds from simply talking to God. To ask, seek or knock.

Joseph knew his place during the time of trial. He knew he could do nothing without God. He humbled himself for God to move for him. Fight his battles. Give him the wisdom and power to navigate the problems of life.

Let’s humble ourselves before God. Let our spirit come under the subjection of the Holy Spirit so we too learn to trust God for all things in all things. Maranatha, praise God and amen!


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The secret to life is staying humble and lowly in heart