How To Not Play It Safe With Your Life?

“Ma'am, ma'am, may I go to the washroom please”. Remember? When you were too afraid to sit for a particular class and hoped to avoid the teacher constantly questioning students? You tried playing it safe, hoping to hoodwink the teacher.

You make genuine sounding excuses to avoid 'life tests' that have the power to shape you. We grow up with these natures and end up faking in life.

Are you playing-it-safe with your Christian walk?

Some believers actually believe they aren’t that sinful or they aren’t all that bad. That’s a huge problem for your spiritual walk. ALL HAVE SINNED and fallen short of the glory of God.

We believe in a few things and think we can keep our life to those few things to live without controversy. You are playing safe when you feel “I’m not as bad as X at least”. Self righteousness and pride enter our lives, making us too sensitive for trials. When trials hit, we breakdown and find ourselves losing control.

If you think you are fine then you will live like nothing is wrong, which means nobody needs Jesus. The Pharisees prayer in Luke 18:9-14 is a perfect description of those who play-it-safe, doing all the right things outwardly, but inward are like ravenous wolves.

Matthew 23 describes the nature of the religious faker in detail.

Please do not play it safe. Tell the world how to be safe in Jesus alone.

Jesus made it clear that His word, the sword, would wreck havoc in every home that weren't united in Spirit and in Truth. Varying beliefs or faith does lead to disruption (Matthew 10:34-39). This does not mean your life will be a living hell till you die. It means you will face problems but when you trust in God, you will receive great victories. Life will be joyful despite the sufferings in the journey.

Just like the Israelites who were in the wilderness, but lacked nothing.

For the Lord thy God hath blessed thee in all the works of thy hand: he knoweth thy walking through this great wilderness: these forty years the Lord thy God hath been with thee; thou hast lacked nothing.

deuteronomy 2:7

Are you ready to lose all to do the Father's will? If you do not question your walk now and play-it-safe in life then you will only grow in hypocrisy, not humility. Learn from Jesus to walk in humility and lowliness of heart. Overcome your fears, receive your victory and joy in Jesus mighty name.

Prepare yourself to meet God. Maranatha, Praise God and Amen.


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