How to overcome doubt in your relationship with God?

"I find myself doubting the word time and again." Doubt is an enemy, an evil spirit that seeks to make us stumble in our godly walk.

How does doubt enter our life? Here are three reasons to identify how and why.

  1. First Love: When the word of God is not our foundation of all thinking, speaking and doing, we end up confused and doubt God. How to solve this problem? Be subject to the word of God. Know your identity in Christ (1 Peter 2:9).
  2. Faith: When fear entered the hearts of the 10 spies, they doubted the victory promised by God. Perfect love is necessary to cast out fear (1 John 4:18). Joshua and Caleb revealed their unshakeable faith in God’s promises. They truly loved God and believed He would fulfil what He promised.
  3. Obedience: Sin, among many reasons causes us to lose the joy of the new life. We find ourselves lost again. Examine your life, restore the joy of God's salvation (Psalms 51:12). Renew your walk with God.

Pursue Jesus wholeheartedly to overcome doubt

Our relationship with Jesus is unique and needs to be pursued fervently like we are seeking riches.

I meet children who doubt their salvation. This, after being born again, taking water baptism and even receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It broke my heart to see one girl, so confused. How did it happen? She gave heed to too many people and listened to things out of context, drawing her own conclusions.

Our relationship with Jesus is special, and sacred. It requires personal attention in prayer and bible meditation and right fellowship.

Doubt does not help getting prayers answered (James 1:7) or even heard by God. We need to understand that God is not man that He will lie. What he says, He does.

God’s word is final. It’s from everlasting to everlasting. It never falls short of what’s it’s sent to accomplish. Trust the word of God. Jesus is coming soon. Maranatha, praise God and amen.


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