5 Reasons Why A Believer Is Different From Others

The world wants to see to believe.
Believers, believe to see (John 11:40).

Emotional "algorithmic" engineering is slowly and effectively pushing believers into becoming natural citizens rather than supernatural citizens. We think upwards and beyond, but the worldly think downward and beyond.

A good example is how brands (who swear by not promoting religion internally) are willing to promote Year of the tiger aka animal worship but not mention Christ when its 'Merry Christmas' time.

What is the end of a great man without God? Like a beast, he perishes.

Man that is in honour, and understandeth not,Is like the beasts that perish.

Psalms 49:20

The world needs evidence to have faith in anything. In Christ, we believe and see the glory of God. Our faith is not on human words but the word of the almighty God who saved us by His grace.

What makes a believer different from others?

1. Spiritual eyes are opened to an eternity with Christ (1 Corinthians 2)
2. We are forgiven and strengthened by grace (Ephesians 2)
3. We know our identity and purpose on earth (1 Peter 2)
4. A people Holy to the Lord, who love righteousness and truth of God (Psalms 15)
5. Powered by the love of God (Romans 8)

We are not like the world. Though we are in it, we are not of it. Our wisdom comes from above, and isn't from this world. Our trust in God’s word will never make us ashamed. Man’s opinions keep changing with time, and cannot be trusted. There is no assurance in the word of man.

In God we trust, and rest in His majestic word. Let’s not forget who we are in Christ. Stay on the narrow road to heaven. Our love awaits, Maranatha, praise God and amen.


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