How to be wiser than King Solomon?

Ever imagined that you could be wiser than King Solomon?

I’m sure most of us believers grew up thinking it’s not possible to be wiser than him. After all God appeared to him twice, we are so greatly unworthy, etc.

We are in awe when we read about how he was in charge of a great nation, built beautiful structures (temple of God, own palace, etc.), and was the richest man on the planet ever. Even today, though people think Elon Musk's $300 billion is a lot.

STOP right there dear brother, sister! Everything Solomon created in the physical is perishable. His abundance of wisdom and wealth did not keep him from getting the kingdom torn away from his family. 1 Kings 11 chapter gives us enough facts concerning what it takes to be wiser and richer than Solomon.

Being wiser than King Solomon is possible

One thing we need to learn is, never forsake the consecration into which God has called us (1 Kings 11:9,10).

When we compromise the word of God and the leading into which we have been called, we will stray away. The straying away will cause great damage to our relationship with Christ. We end up forming alliances that tear us away from our foundational teachings. The moment we compromise our foundation, worldly natures will begin to take deep root in us.

King Solomon angered God with his disobedience. God stirred up adversaries against King Solomon. When we turn to other gods/demons we end up going against God's precious love - Jesus. The devil gets legal access to attack us. Then we blame God for taking us through unnecessary trials.

God has anointed us with the Holy Spirit, the ancient of days, indwelling in us to live bountifully in Christ. When we walk in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, we become soul savers, meaning, builders of many spiritual temples for God. Remember, we are kings and priests as New Testament Spirit filled believers.

Jesus, who is wisdom, called us to bear fruit for the kingdom of God. Now is the time to focus on your growth in Christ. The day is here, Maranatha, Praise God and Amen.


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