Do you love your possessions more than the One who possesses you?

It's easy to give up some things in life. But to give up everything is not easy. Also, what or who you are giving up everything for matters. 

Most believers love to claim they'd do anything for Jesus. Just like the young man who came to Jesus claiming he was living a righteous life.

  • The young man had great possessions and couldn't let go. Jesus wasn't his greatest possession. He, like most children today, loves only with their lips. When it comes to action fails miserably. He was so sure he was doing all the right things. 
  • Isaac had great possessions and wasn't afraid to lose everything. He stayed where God told him to be, despite the famine. 
  • Job lost all his great possessions, yet he never gave up on God. 
  • King David was willing to give up all for one day in God's courts.

What great possessions are you willing to give up for Jesus? 

Jesus says to receive a hundredfold and inherit everlasting life; we need to give up all. Everything we love on earth (Matthew 19:29), or is temporary, does not deserve the attention we give to it more than God.

Our forefathers of faith lived in tents, moving from place to place as God led them. The things of the earth have the power to wear us down spiritually, so much so that we invest our time more in temporary things rather than eternal life.

Jonadab, the Rechabite, is a fine example of a people who trusted God for all things. Christian freedom is about fully trusting in God for all things as we seek His kingdom and righteousness daily. A hard truth that becomes easy when we trust in God's word. 

Examine your life to see what's keeping you from spending quality time with Jesus. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


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