I love to wake up early and pray, do you?

Are you waking up early morning to pray? Have you noticed what many social media posts talking about concerning billionaire habits? One of them is waking up early. We don't need to be billionaires, but we do need to have a zillionaire mindset to inherit heaven.

Is it compulsory to wake up early? Of course not. What is early? An hour before the sun comes out is a good start. What if I miss getting up early one day? Don't condemn yourself, and make time during the day. 

God does not compel anyone to worship Him. But His word directs us on why we need to get up early morning to pray.

What are some reasons to wake up early and pray?

Praying early in the morning was an OT practice (Exodus 29:39). David had instructed the priests to pray every morning (1 Chronicles 23:30). 

  1. Wake up early to hear from God: Abraham got up early morning to hear from God. (Genesis 19:27)
  2. God desires to listen to your voice early morning. (Psalms 5:3)
  3. Pray to receive heavenly Joy that comes in the morning (Psalms 30:5)
  4. The drunkard begins his day with wine and drinks in the afternoon and at night to drown his sorrows. Spirit-filled Christians pray without ceasing. They start the day with new wine in Christ.
  5. Jesus prayed early, leaving us a pattern. (Mark 1:35) 
  6. The disciples and followers went early morning to listen to Jesus. So should we. (John 8:2) 

Those who seek God early will find Him (Proverbs 8:17)

Every word in the Bible is for our edification, exhortation and comfort. When we love God, every word begins to enlighten our minds. As we surrender to the word of God, He manifests in our lives. 

Pour your lives before Him early every day. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


Jesus is the love of my life, make Him yours too


Seek Jesus with all your heart and receive your healing