Don’t Remain Vexed

Are you vexed in your heart? Do you feel persecuted as we enter the last days? A vexed state is a vulnerability the devil takes full advantage of.

Everyone has some problem or the other. When problems multiply, the burden causes a breakdown. Today, there’s enough we see and hear around us that is burdensome and evil.

Be aware of three ways believers can get vexed and neglect God’s presence.

  1. Unclean spirits (Luke 6:18)

  2. Filthy conversations (2 Peter 2:7)

  3. Sickness (Job 27:2)

When people with unclean spirits came to Jesus, he healed them all. We think unclean spirits refer to people possessed by them. But what we fail to see is the state of our own heart. Jesus said what comes out of our hearts defile us (Matthew 7:20-23). Many in the church are vexed with evil natures and need deliverance.

Lot was vexed by the filthy lifestyle in Sodom. Living among evil people affected his walk with God. Even though God rescued him from Sodom, he still refused to obey God. What company are you keeping? Is your spiritual life more important than the job or friendships that compromise your mental and emotional state? Lot chose the city life out of greed. He put himself at great risk. His choice left him vexed

Job suffered in sickness and was vexed. But unlike Lot, he remained faithful to God. God delivered and blessed him in all things.

Dear believer, keep God first in your life. If we stay vexed, we’ll give room to rebellion, vexing the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 63:10).

Prepare to meet Jesus. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


What to do till the coming of the Lord?


Trust God