Why am I told to be quiet when the Bible teaches me to ask?

Many Christian children have grown up feeling like they cannot ask questions. They are told to "just obey" and "don't question." Some of this blame can be placed on poor parenting or uncaring teachers and ministers. However, not all of the blame lies there. Personal fears, guilt, shame, and insecurities can also play a significant role in preventing people from thinking clearly and seeking clarity by asking questions.

But what about now? 

Technology like search engines (Google) and generative AI like ChatGPT or Bard require us to ask specific questions to generate either links or direct answers. There are good and bad sides to it. How we learn to use the technology will determine our professional growth in the future. 

What about your spiritual growth?

God encourages us to ask. The Bible teaches us to ask according to His will. Are you asking? The damage done to most children limiting their ability to question runs deep. When do we question? Only when we feel threatened, or an issue gets personal. God has given us a sound mind to use daily.

Unless we do not question our learning, we will lack confidence in our spiritual walk. We need answers, at least a broad view of how life is today in Christ. It's possible only when we sit down patiently in prayer and bible meditation.

Don't neglect the salvation God has given you. Ask yourself why you believe in Jesus. Be clear. Ask specific questions to yourself about the doctrine and teachings you are exposed to. Seek the help of the Holy Spirit to obey them. Our time is short on earth.

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


Come, Lord Jesus


ChatGPT On The Resurrection of Christ