Do You See God’s Works?

"It was after 11 pm. My friends and I were all getting ready to sleep. The lights weren't switched off yet. A friend from another room in our hostel walked into ours. He came straight for me. He desired to speak to me privately. I was in no mood to get out of bed. He insisted, and we went to the terrace. He asked me what kept me happy, and the conversation led to Jesus and the gospel. He got saved and is a regular at church.

Often, I've shared this testimony the way I did just now. The truth is, I was unhappy and lost. God freshly entered my life to remind me I had something no one in the hostel had. I had Jesus. He was always the best answer to every question of life. In the two years of my life in the hostel, Christ still shined for His glory. He started work and was still working. I had gone hopelessly astray. After many failings and fallings, He kept helping me stand. Then He showed me what to do. My life changed forever."

Our lives are a vapour in the wind. We fade away like grass. It is nothing before the eternity before us. Yet, our existence matters. God never leaves us. He is always working in our lives.

Dear believer, do you recognise the pattern of evidence of God's work in your life? Every day is a day of rejoicing and gladness in Jesus. You are a testimony. A lot has happened in your life already. Recognise His workmanship of love. Tell others about Jesus.

Is Christ your daily joy? Only when we pray and meditate on the word of God will we see how God orchestrates all the good in our lives. Don't take your time in His presence lightly. Ask. Seek His character. Knock till He opens to welcome you in so you stay forever.

We are in the end. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


Have You Seen God?


Put Your Clothes On