Does Satan know my thoughts?

Can Satan know my thoughts? This is a common question and fear young believers have. The short answer is No. Only God knows our thoughts. (Genesis 6:5) (Psalms 94:11) (1 Chronicles 28:9) (Isaiah 66:18) (Hebrews 4:12)

Satan is a creation, created by God before he fell. Only the creator has the power to know what his creation is thinking. 

What does Satan know about us? 

He knows we are created lower than angels. So he manipulated man fully understanding what it would take. When God created angels, Satan wanted to become God. Adam wasn't concerned about power because he was already the king of the earth. Satan pushed the man to think about becoming God. To desire the power, to do anything God could do.

He knows the state of a sinful heart. What people desire and want in this world. How to motivate a man disconnected from God; Since he has blinded man from knowing God, he drives them deeper into wicked natures.

He knows the power of words and how they can influence our feelings. King Sennacherib first sent out threats to Israel before trying to attack. Look at the lyrics of non-gospel songs, dialogues in movies, etc. the words trigger different feelings to manipulate our mood.

How to protect yourself from Satan?

  1. The blood of Jesus cleanses, keeping us under God's protection
  2. The word of God sanctifies, guarding our heart
  3. Holy Spirit purifies, and is a consuming fire

Satan tried manipulating Jesus with the things of the world, the pride of life or power, lust of the flesh, and eyes. He failed miserably and is only moments away from being thrown into the lake of fire. 

  1. King Solomon instructs us to guard our hearts. (Proverbs 4:23)
  2. Paul teaches us to put on the whole armour of God. (Ephesians 4:12)
  3. Put on the new man in Christ Jesus. (Colossians 3:10)
  4. Submit to God to resist the devil. (James 4:7)
  5. Be filled with the Spirit to overcome evil spirits. (Colossians 1:9)

The word of God is full of guidance that helps us overcome the enemy, Satan. In short, invest time daily in prayer, praise, bible meditation and fellowship with the saints of God.

Jesus is coming soon. Praise God, and Amen.


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