Godly Power Is For Salvation

Jesus was fully God and fully human. But, He never exercised His godly power during His days as a human. It was an incredibly powerful display of humility, and a standard we can never imagine. 

The moment we have purchasing power or influence, we give in to its lusts and do not hesitate to exercise them. The power we have access to as humans is ridiculous compared to God's power (obviously), yet our cravings for it feel insatiable. Sin's corruption is evident when the temptation to exercise selfish control overcomes us. 

Power belongs to God

Jesus, as a human, was tempted at all points. He not only would have been tempted to use His power as God, but He also had worldly temptations to overcome, including tiredness and physical pressures.

The disciples knew that Jesus was God and had godly power, but their understanding was not according to the will of God. 

When Samaria did not welcome Jesus, the disciples wanted Jesus to bring fire down from heaven and kill them. Jesus corrected them, saying He came to save and not to destroy. 

After Peter cut off the ear of one of Jesus' captors, Jesus reminded Peter that He could have prayed to the Father to send twelve legions of angels. Here again, neither did Jesus exercise His power. He humbled Himself by saying He could pray and receive a response by faith. Even His prayers remained focused on doing God's will and not His desire. 

Jesus is the greatest gift to humanity. As believers, let's desire more of Him as He gives us the grace to grow in His likeness. 

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen. 


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