Desire God’s knowledge

Why is technology God-like today, as per technology ethicists? It's because it has a spell-binding effect on immature hearts and minds. 

When superficial faith meets artificial intelligence, what do we get? Rebellion against God. A heart captured by artificially engineered knowledge - what happened in the Garden of Eden. 

Man's lust for knowledge outside of God's set boundaries is now freshly exploited by Satan using artificial intelligence. 

The human vulnerability to sound intelligent and smart is now getting manipulated by AI apps. The younger population in workplaces falsely believe they know more than their seniors. Youths are falling for the elaborate trap set by Satan to use AI to fulfil their passions. 

Every knowledge outside of God's word will lead to evil.

Godly knowledge requires the fear of God

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (Proverbs 1:7). 

Without the fear of God, when we seek knowledge, even godly knowledge, it will hurt us in the long run. To understand the fear of God we need to keep the words of God and seek Him more than silver and gold (Proverbs 2:1-5). 

Godly knowledge requires humility 

We need humility to keep God's word (knowledge) in us. Humility is like a vessel that holds the word of God. When we are humble before God, He cuts off every lie and delusional tricks of the devil from our spirit through the Holy Spirit.

God's knowledge not only protects you but also protects others when you use it in the fear of God. Seek the knowledge of God. It is holy. Get ready! Jesus is coming soon.

Praise God, and Amen.


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