How To Be A Godly Partner?

You want a good partner, but are you a good partner?

Are you a good child, sibling, wife, husband, mother, or father? Are you a good friend to others? 

A sinful man always expects from others in a relationship. The godly man expects only God's love and grace to serve others. 

Naomi became a bitter woman because of all the suffering she had to face in life. Ruth, the only partner left in her life, remained faithful despite going through the same problems. How was that even possible? A young woman from a heathen land displayed greater godliness and faith than an old believer! She kept her character and gracefully walked because she expected from God alone. 

Miriam, another staunch Jew, lived all her life with God's people. Still could not walk peacefully under subjection. She grew bitter as God did great and mighty works through her brother Moses. Yet, Moses remained faithful and cried out to God for her healing.

Job's wife may have been faithful when everything was fine, but eventually, she went against God. She became a source of division rather than unity. But Job's faithfulness to God restored everything they had lost and more.

A godly partner is a giving partner.

Like Ruth, Moses, Job, and more, let's learn to give. Be led by the Spirit to give out the fruit of the Spirit to everyone around us. No matter how people behave with us during our worst, let's look to Jesus for confidence and strength.

Jesus loved even when He knew who would betray or deny Him. He loved all those who persecuted and lied against Him. 

Be a godly partner to all in your life, dear believer. The time is short. Let's look at Jesus and move ahead by faith. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


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