Hoping in Christ solves all problems

Young men engaged to be married spend a lot of time daily chatting with their bride-to-be till the day of marriage. It is an unwritten illegal practice in conservative Pentecostalist setups.

It's become a norm because of the lack of faith, coupled with easy access to technology. There is a desperate need to calm their nerves and derive joy as they hope for the best. 

Some chat out of fear, and some grow in the hope of (worldly) things they plan for the future.

How is your hope in Christ? 

Are you rejoicing in hope? (Romans 12:12)

We are betrothed to Jesus. To be forever married to Him is the greatest joy of the believer. Chat with Jesus daily in prayer and bible study, personally. Jesus is our perfect hope. True Joy and hope are experienced only in His presence. 

When we rejoice in the hope of His coming, all things will fall into place. Whatever next steps you need to take will open up in perfect harmony. Marriage or Work or exams, all will go smoothly. 

Isaac and Rebecca never saw nor met each other before marriage. Isaac trusted God. The trust kept Him inclined towards God's needs. Out of him, the seed of Israel was born. 

For your spiritual seed to spring forth and be a blessing, rejoice in the Lord. Rejoice in hope. Jesus is coming soon. Praise God, and Amen.


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