No Minister!

A minister serving a long time in a particular place began speaking against the flock. The flock, before his arrival, enjoyed the pleasures of heaven under previous ministers. But everything began to fall apart with the new minister. The flock got scattered over time, and the minister desired to leave the place God had kept him in.

When God calls you, and you obey, do what He says. It's easier said than done, but it's the best life ahead. He will help according to His promise.

When a minister forgets his calling, the weak will start falling. When God calls His servant for a particular work, He will fulfil His word, no matter what the state of the flock may have become. It is the flocks' responsibility to pray for the minister in charge.

The Bible reveals the heart of God during times of great despair among his flock.

3 God's servants who obeyed His call despite the spiritual state of Israel are;

  1. Elijah

  2. Isaiah

  3. Jeremiah

Elijah had to stand before a mingled flock. God did amazing work, bringing fire down and restoring Israel's faith.

Isaiah saw the glory of God as he assessed the backslidden state of Israel. When he saw the glory of God, everything changed about him and his ministry.

Jeremiah felt he wasn't ready to do God's work as Israel crumbled because of numerous falsehoods. His surrender to doing God's will to warn Israel continued despite how Israel behaved.

Dear believer, God knows best. You and I have the privilege of living for Jesus. He is our example and helper. He will give us grace in times of need as long as we abide in Him.

Prepare yourself to meet Jesus. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


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