Turn to God, not humans

When in trouble, trust in God even more. That's what we learn from the heroes of faith.

Every believer needs to build their walk with God to face the trials ahead.
When in trouble, trust in God even more. That's what we learn from the heroes of faith.

Every believer needs to build their walk with God to face the trials ahead. 

Our default position as sinful people is to turn to another human

But believers turn to God who is, obviously, much more than those humans.

  • David encouraged himself (1 Samuel 30:6). When everyone who loved him, went against him, he rekindled his faith in God.

  • Daniel purposed in his heart (Daniel 1:8). His consecration kept his relationship with God spontaneous and fluid. When he would call, God would hear and respond.

  • Esther trusted God and prayed (Esther 4:16). When Israel was about to be wiped out and no one could save Israel, Esther chose to pray rather than influence the king with human efforts. 

  • Joshua and Caleb rent their clothes (Numbers 14:6-10) when Israel feared to face the giants. God's presence came down mightily as Israel prepared to stone them. 

Each of these examples is unique and teaches us the beauty of keeping God first in all things. When we do, God does great and mighty wonders. 

Jesus is the perfect example for our daily walk. His humility and complete trust in God kept Him faithful till the end. 

Let's seek mercy and grace in times of need to live faithfully till the end. 

Maranatha, praise God, and Amen. 


Pastors after God’s heart

