Pastors after God’s heart

Do you want pastors after your own heart or after God’s heart? 

During the time of Jeremiah, Israel and Judah were backslid. God called their lifestyle a whoredom. Yet, God promises to bless them abundantly, and all they had to do was turn back to Him, away from sin, selfish pleasures, and worldliness.

Even today, many believers behave worse, considering we are in the time of the Holy Spirit. 

What are you heaping on yourself? Are your ears itching for self-pleasure? (2 Timothy 4:3)

Our desire needs to be to get to know God's heart. Israel rejected God and chose Saul as King. Often believers want a Pastor transferred because he isn't responding favourably. This! should not be so. 

God warned Jeremiah that if he did not speak what God told him to say to Israel, then he would fall into the same problem. 

How to align with God's heart?

  1. Desire God's will (by faith)

  2. Pray for one another and Servants of God (in Love)

  3. Walk in the doctrines and teachings (with hope)

While we enjoy the promises of God, let's not forget our part as believers. Faith without works is dead. There isn't much time left. Paul reminds us to live like him. 

Look up! Your redemption is drawing near. Maranatha, praise God, and amen. 


Don’t Limit God’s love


Turn to God, not humans