Humility Is Critical For God To Work Freely

People who reach worldwide fame, eventually get humbled. All the pomp and show comes crashing down, revealing the vanity of worldliness and selfish living. They live as kings, only to realise it's all temporary and unsatisfying.

"For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” | Luke 14:11

In scripture, we see some kings who humbled themselves.

  • (1 Kings 21:28) King Ahab humbled himself. God did not bring evil upon him. God did want to destroy him because he had sold himself (1 Kings 21:20) for the sake of his wicked wife, Jezebel. He let Jezebel make decisions. When warned by Elijah, he humbled himself before God. He slept in peace.

  • (2 Kings 22:19) King Joash humbled himself when warned about not heeding the word of God (2 Kings 21:13). He slept in peace. We need to hear and do the word of God.

  • (2 Chronicles 12:7,1,12) King Rehoboam humbled himself. He had forsaken the way of God.

Some humbled to save themselves, and then there is Jesus, who humbled Himself to save others.

(Philippians 2:8) HUMBLE like Jesus. (Acts 8:33) Jesus did not get justice, and neither will we. Stay humble like Jesus for God to give us justice.

Humility draws God's help that man needs. (2 Chronicles 7:14) The church (my people) needs to humble themselves to receive healing and deliverance.

You have the mind of Christ. Desire God's will and be a blessing to all around you. Whatever hardships come your way, let the humility of Christ keep you till the very end.

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


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