Peace Protects You From Hurt

Are you hurt? Then get your peace back. 

Let Jesus in by placing your hurt at His feet in prayer. Tell Jesus how you feel. Let it out so He can comfort you, edify and encourage you. He is the Prince of peace. 

But, do you remain hurt? Do you let the hurt fester and push you into bitterness against people? That is asking for trouble, as a believer. 

Many believers take their hurt to Jesus but fail to keep what God gives them. Whenever we unburden our hearts before God, He fills us with His peace. But, do you meditate on God's work to build yourself spiritually concerning this fresh attack against you? 

A boxer loses a match but prepares for his rematch to defend himself better and beat his opponent. He works on his weaknesses during training to face his opponents again. 

While we are not in a literal boxing match, we need to continue to grow spiritually in the love of God through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Every hurtful experience needs to be sanctified by the working of the Spirit in us so we can develop greater strength in times of need. 

Hurt can cause you to sin.

  • The wicked Queen Jezebel was hurt when her husband, King Ahab, was refused a piece of land. She killed Naboth and captured the vineyard. 

  • The Jews would get hurt by every word from Jesus. They brutally crucified the King of kings. 

Jesus asks us to love our enemies and to pray for those who despitefully use or persecute us. 

Dear believer, build your spiritual armour in Christ. We are in the last days, and the persecution against your spiritual growth has quadrupled through social media and AGI technology. 

Give room to the Holy Spirit. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen. 


Suffering Is Inevitable On Earth For The Believer


Jesus in Practice