3 Ways The Power Of God Worked Through David

An overcoming life requires us to walk daily in the power of God's anointing. The fire of God puts out every other kind of fire, no matter how dangerous the fiery trials may seem to us.

In the Old Testament period, we see the work of the Holy Spirit was timely, and would come upon people to get work done. To fulfil God's plan.

How did the power of God work in David?

3 times the anointing revealed the supernatural power in King David;

1. Played the harp, evil spirit in Saul departed (1 Samuel 16:21-23)
2. David defeated Goliath (worldliness), by the power of God. (1 Samuel 17:45-51)
3. He overcame lions and bears (pride and fleshly lusts). (1 Samuel 17:36)

How do we see the power of God working in the New Testament ministry?

Jesus gives the baptism of Holy Spirit, and fire. The fire of God consumes every sinful natures and spiritual bondages we may have in this journey of life. God’s power enables us to be a refreshing, and source of comfort to others.

Paul was striped, beaten, stoned and left for dead outside Jerusalem because of preaching Christ. When the believers gathered around him, he simply got up and walked away like nothing happened.

At the temple called Beautiful, it was the power of God that worked in Peter to heal a lame man. The lame man went hopping, and jumping and leaping, and praising God. How exciting!

God desires to do the same in and through our lives. What a purpose filled life true believers have. Now is our time to live in the power of God.

Give room for the power of God to work in your heart. Be a blessing to others till the end. Prepare yourself to meet Christ. Praise God and Amen!


Nothing else matters but the love of God


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