Overcome Spiritual Tiredness
Doing the same thing again and again can get tiring after a point. Initially, our spirit is highly motivated to perform the task. After a point, our spirit gets disengaged now that we know how to do it.
The Christian life begins with a bang and dies down slowly as we learn to grow in the world. Our spirit is focused as we recognise the high, heavenly and holy calling. Somehow, we move into the flesh and get "busy". Is it "somehow", or is there a clear pattern of evidence?
The born-again life warrants a new way of living. It is not simply a mind change. It's a transformation of thinking, feeling, speaking and doing. If we live hoarding on earth, a day will come when it will get threatened. If your hope is on the things and people you love, you will grow miserable and break down spiritually.
{Hebrews 12:1 KJV}
Train Your Thinking: Reflect on the faith-life of Bible heroes. Not the material and financial wealth.
Guard Your Feelings: Lay aside every weight (worries and burdens) and the sin which EASILY BESET US.
Preach and Practice: Run patiently (fruit of the Holy Spirit). Serve God and love others.
Above all, look at Jesus (Hebrews 12:2). His life is the pattern we must follow. He promised to be with us till the end. He keeps His promises. We need the Holy Spirit daily to stay in those promises.
Seek the anointing daily. Be powered by the Spirit of God. Be charged in Him alone. Stay motivated and inspired daily to prepare and lead others to His coming.
Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.