Standing Against Hypocrisy Requires Conviction

A brother left an apostolic ministry because he discovered he had not understood the gospel correctly for over 50 years. He came from a family of strong, conservative Pentecostalists. He had received a call from God to serve as an apostle.

But, years later, somehow, he felt he was in the wrong place and needed to get out. Rather than stand against whatever lies or hypocrisies existed in the system he was in for over 25 years, he chose to get out and start his ministry.

These incidents are not new. They have been happening since the New Testament ministry began. The devil is hard at work trying to create divisions and unrest among the flock.

Peter's hypocrisy, in fear of the Jewish community, influenced Barnabas to accept a false doctrine of circumcision of the flesh for the Gentiles. Peter, who walked with Jesus and received the Holy Spirit, fell under people's pressure. Barnabas, another experienced apostle, got carried away. But Paul stood against the wrong doctrine.

It takes a deep conviction to stand against the wrongs some church leaders do. A closer walk with Jesus and remaining under the guidance of the Spirit of love make it possible. When we empty ourselves and love God wholeheartedly, He will keep us as a pillar or a rock of support for those in need around us.

Be the rock or pillar by the grace of God. Pray, meditate, and love the fellowship God provides. We don't stand because we are smart. We stand because God is holy. Pursue holiness and peace to witness the hand of God helping you stand for the glory of God.

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


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