Correction Vs Fault-finding

What's the difference between correction and fault finding? 

Often, some saints get defensive when corrected and go on to accuse others of fault-finding. The two get muddled over time as the church spiritually fades because of the lack of correction.

Correction is when you do something wrong, and someone shows you the right way. Why? To protect you from harm, for the glory of God. 

  1. Aquila and Priscilla corrected Apollos' understanding of the gospel after they heard him preach incorrectly. (Acts 18)

  2. Paul corrected Peter's bias towards the circumcised elite Jews. (Galatians 2)

The Word of God is for correction, but some choose to do their will (1 Timothy 3:16). A correction is necessary when it has the potential to affect others in the long run. Anyone who errs from the Word needs to be corrected.

Fault finding is purely to bring another down. To leave them hopeless and guilty. They criticize unreasonably and lack fairness. They don't care about others.

  1. The Pharisees and the Herodians tried to catch Jesus at His word. (Mark 12:13)

  2. Judas found fault with the use of perfume on Jesus' feet. (John 12:1-6)

The Humble Child of God Can Be Corrected.

Not everyone can take correction. Those who have forsaken the ways of God refuse correction (Proverbs 15:10).

Children of God always accept correction. They know their Heavenly Father chastens those He love (Proverbs 3:11).

In an increasingly deceptive world, the younger generations require correction. Are the elders living by faith to correct them? Are you a young believer preparing yourself to be a pillar of grace and truth for your church?

Get ready! The time is at hand. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


The Word of God Cleans Us Inside Out


God Is Marvellous, So Is His Light