How to have perfect peace?

When our mind stays on God, He keeps us in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). 

Without God, there is no peace. The peace that the world gives is temporary and leads to death. Man makes peace only when he believes he can get some advantage to build a better life (for himself). 

The socio-economic and political condition of the world has led people into despair and fear in their hearts. There's no peace of mind for anyone as the world sinks deeper in sin. 

There needs to be a counter-thinking process. A process that helps us rise above the lies and deception the world is suffering today.

Perfect peace is only for those who keep their mind on God. How to keep your mind on God?

Trust in the living God and wait on His promises. Believers meditate on the word of God day and night because they trust His Word, which is Truth. (Psalms 1:2)

Worries or anxieties, stress, hurt, hate, anger, bitterness, burnout, and similar spiritual attacks burden us daily. The online world poses a greater threat than the offline.

Earlier, we hardly had access to false teachers (counsel of the ungodly), celebrity lifestyles (way of sinners), mockers of Jesus, or God-believers (seat of the scornful). Today our digital work life has thrown us into a connected world but disconnected us internally. 

The peace man requires the world cannot give. Only Jesus can give us perfect peace. Is your mind full of troubling thoughts about things you have no control? Open your Bible and read (out loud) till you begin to get deeper into the message of God's word.

The more we look to the word for help, our lives become like the tree by the riverside, ever fresh and bearing fruit in season. (Psalms 1:3)

Receive your perfect peace in Christ alone. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


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