How To Care For Your Brother, Like Jesus?

What is the point of fellowship

What is the expectation from a believer who loves his friends? 

Who makes for a great partner? 

There is one answer for all of the above. It is taking care of each other.

(Luke 22:31-34) Jesus tells Peter how the devil is trying to sift Peter. Jesus prayed for Peter's growth and strength so he could further help his fellow brethren. 

There is much to uncover in this interaction. Here are a few. 

Learn to care like Jesus

Many of us are like Peter, boastful about our love for others. Only to be exposed when a real test comes our way. Peter claimed he would die for Christ and suffer for Him. He denied Christ three times.

Jesus perceived Peter's spiritual state. Believers need to be spiritually aware of one another. Listen to the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus prayed for Peter. We need to pray for one another. 

Jesus allowed the devil to sift Peter. He did not intervene because Peter needed to go through a trial. We cannot help everyone all the time. Sometimes we need to pray they find strength from God. Intercede for them as Jesus did for Peter. 

Finally, when you get strengthened, help other fellow brothers. 

Be strong in the Lord. Hold on. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


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