How to Handle People Who Rage Against You?

For someone to rage against you, it will not be for something you've done, but for your beliefs. The Psalmist was on social platforms before the idea was even conceived. Psalms 2:1-3 talks about how people are raging against God and His anointed. Their imaginations full of vanity.

The rage is real. Incited masses stay divided. Deceived to make them feel that there is no God. People remain in confusion with their imaginations confounded. Lies, peddled as truth. Leading to online chatter that further divides people.

People are turning against each other. Many have lost their friends over temporal ideologies. Many are in an emotional Cold War.

David’s army raged against him in Ziklag. The Jews raged against Jesus. The non believers raged against the apostles and believers. This continues even today.

Evil will continue to rage against Good.
Lies will continue to rage against Truth.
The devil will continue to rage against God.

In the end, God always wins. There is none like Jesus. No power greater than His love that drives out every fear. Believers need to realise there. will be an end to all this rage.

What to do when people rage against you?

What did David do when his own people raged against him? He encouraged himself in the Lord.

And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God

1 Samuel 30:6

The Israelites raged against Moses and Aaron. God took action because Israel went against God's anointed. Not once, but several times. Israel underwent irreparable loss with more than 40,000 losing their lives on the spot.

We hear people giving in to fake news and rioting in many places. People curse God when their daily living is threatened. These can affect us as well. Spend time with the Word of God which sanctifies our hearts and minds.

The Jews hated Jesus. Rage produces blinding hate. Jesus kept His focus on doing the will of God. So should we.

Prepare yourself to meet Jesus. Maranatha, Praise God and Amen!


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