Humility Overcomes Pride

Satan has a hook in you if you have a proud and haughty look (Proverbs 6:17). 

The proud look is an outcome of the state of the heart. It gets further revealed through our words and actions. 

Jezebel, the sorceress wife of King Ahab, is the worst example of someone with a proud look. She was full of hate and bitterness against anyone who disagreed with her, to the extent that she could even kill them. 

Such spirits continue to work in some believers. Most fail to recognise it because they have some supporting their lies or listening only to their version of the story.  

You are responsible for how you treat others. Many children of God live like devils. Disrespecting elders and bickering about everything in life, despite all God has blessed out of His exceeding abundant grace. 

Do you have a vicious seething rage inside you? Do you find yourself unable to forgive others? Do you host matters too long in your heart and attack when the opportunity feels right? These are all proud natures that no one can handle on their own. 

Learn humility and lowliness of heart from Jesus.

The only antidote to an evil heart is learning the humility and lowliness of the heart from Jesus. Then your look will change to one of love and peace. A burdened heart for the souls perishing. A prayer-filled life for everyone around you. 

Watch out for what you are consuming online. Social Media is full of negative triggers. The eye is the light of the body. Look at Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. 

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen. 


Desire To Be Rich In Christ Alone


Let God Build Your House