When levels of faith differ, divisions can occur

I recently met a dad who suffered from porn addiction. His only child discovered porn content - images, videos, etc. on the personal computer.

Another dad got addicted to spending money unnecessarily now that his child is in a foreign country earning big bucks. 

There is so much happening in believers' lives that can astonish anyone. Some matters are so bad that even the unsaved do not commit such errors. Nothing to be surprised about because it is all part of the transformation process. 

How you believe in Christ during these trials or temptations is important. 

What do you think will happen when family members walk in different levels of faith? 

Exactly what Jesus says in Matthew 10:34-39. Families get divided, and there will be a lack of peace. The truth, not everyone gets shaped in Christ because they get offended or hurt, etc. Everyone needs to be cut to size and shape to fit the body of Christ. Only those who pursue Jesus daily can grow and help others.

Jesus gave us a sword. The sword is the Word of God and will cut and hurt. The Word is sharper than any two-edged sword. When a father corrects members of the family, they will feel hurt. The healing begins when the father not only corrects but also prays for them. The same applies to children in the Lord. As you stand for the faith, seek love and healing for family members.

Paul corrected Peter for showing bias towards rich Jews. Paul did not hate Peter. He loved the word of God much more than pleasing people.

What about the life of Jesus? He is the Word of God! 

Everyone betrayed Him. He stood faithful till the end. The only reason why we have this amazing life in Christ. 

Dear brother and sister in Christ, stop evaluating your life based on what you see, hear and feel. Study the Word and be set free. Live in the boldness God called you to thrive on. The end is near. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen. 


How to press toward the mark God has set for you?


Reconcile with God in repentant prayer to overcome haplessness