The greatest treasure worth pursuing is Jesus Christ

Dogs and pigs have something in common. They both enjoy filth. Backsliders are akin to dogs or pigs who do not understand the value of good. Give them good, one day they will turn against you. (Matthew‬ ‭7:6‬)

What is holy? The word of God.
What is considered treasure? Heavenly riches. (Proverbs 10:2)

God is holy and every word that comes from God is Spirit and Life. Jesus preserved His holiness by doing the will of the Father. He did not preach to everyone because not everyone was ready to hear the gospel. The message of the cross is for everyone, but salvation is only for those who God decides. Salvation is for all, but the timing is God’s. God knows when it’s the right time for people to hear and be saved (Acts 2:47).

A religious hypocrite only loves to show he is godly. He doesn’t pursue godly riches because his heart is rooted in earthly treasures which corrupt. He seeks fame and fortune in a world where people need God. His religion is only outwardly and his desire too is for worldly treasures.

The young man who approached Jesus was a rich man. He had great possession’s. He also followed the law. But, he had no love for God. He did not love God more than all the perishable things he owned and achieved in this world.

Pursue Jesus, the greatest treasure

God has called us to pursue Godly riches of his grace (Ephesians 1:7), wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3). To seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness. These riches can only be received when we invest our time in prayer, word and fellowship.

Earthly riches are available only to a few. God is available to all who seek Him. When any human learns to walk with Jesus, he will never lack anything necessary on earth.

Prepare yourself to meet Jesus, the greatest treasure. Christ is coming soon. Maranatha, Praise God and Amen!


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