You Are Called To Set Others Free

You have the gospel that sets captives free (Luke 4:18). 

The only name through which a person gets saved is the name of Jesus (Acts 4:12). 

It is the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16). 

How precious are you to God!

How great is His calling upon your life!

Whatever takes priority over our calling in Christ is an idol. 

Our relationship with Jesus alone can help us keep Him as the topmost priority in our lives. 

We can motivate and inspire others with many words. But nothing compares to the gospel of Christ. Nothing compares to His love for humanity. 

Only His love brings peace and comfort. Most importantly, meaning to this life. On earth, we remain surrounded by people drinking sin, like water. It's not easy to stay hydrated without the living water of the Holy Spirit. 

There is power in the Gospel. Preach it. 

There is power in the Blood. Apply it. 

There is power in His Word. Delight in it. 

There is power in the Spirit. Stay free in Him. 

We have been locked and loaded to tell the world about His love. Fire away! Clean up your armour, get up and fight the good fight of faith. It's a fight for love - the love that will save the world. God's love is pure and perfect. 

Soon we'll be gone! Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen! 


Pray Fervently


Jesus As Our Foundation