How To Share Christ With The World Around You?

10 simple reasons why believers need to share Christ with the world around them.

For believers, preaching Christ needs to be a natural. These 10 points you already know, requires a daily reflection.

Share Christ with the world joyfully because...

1. You are filled with His love, let it breakthrough. Exhibit God’s unique love. His love, made us heirs to His throne (1 John 3:1).

2. Jesus is the only example worthy to follow (1 Peter 2:21). Talk about Jesus, talk about Him naturally because He walked this earth. Sometimes Christians avoid talking about Jesus while using other examples. He needs to be a natural focus in our conversations.

3. You have access to power that heals and raises us from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:12-19). Believe and respond to the Holy Spirit's leading to act in faith.

4. Build your understanding on the Apostolic faith and doctrines, the only way to prepare for rapture (Ephesians 2:20).

5. Your lifestyle of faith is the best way to live; trusting God alone for all things. Full of peace and hope that draws people into wanting to know more. (Acts 3)

6. It's not about us or our ability, but God’s wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:17,18). God's wisdom and power is what transforms so there is no pressure on us to speak out by faith.

7. God makes us a testimony (1 Corinthians 2:1-5). Can we stay quiet when the love of God overwhelms us?

8. Worship heals hearts and minds (Colossians 3:16). When we walk like the temple of God, life for us is all bout being in the presence of God all the time. When we walk like the temple, people will come to pray.

9. Being rich in the word helps comfort others (Colossians 3:16).

10. Save souls; purpose driven daily life (Ephesians 5:16; Daniel 12:3)

Let the joy of knowing Jesus overflow.
Tell about Jesus wherever you go.

Maranatha, Praise God and Amen!


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