The Greatest Inspiration

For every work we pursue on earth, there will be a history of successful people to be inspired by.

Who inspires you in your journey in Christ?

Scripture reminds us about a cloud of witnesses in Hebrews 12:1. Who are these witnesses? Mentioned in Hebrews 11.

Old Testament saints inspire us through their godly qualities; some examples are;

  1. the patience of Job

  2. Humility of Moses

  3. King David's love for God

  4. Single-hearted devotion of Ruth

  5. Faith-filled prayer warrior Esther

Jesus is our greatest inspiration and the only one necessary. The witness of Jesus is the example we must follow as New Testament saints. Peter, Paul, Stephen and the NT saints boldly lived for Jesus till the end.

I recently met a widower living alone in a massive house full of the joy and peace of Christ. Hearing her stories of God's provision and protection encouraged me.

Truly, we in this generation have nothing to complain about. We have more than we need to live for Jesus. Jesus is all we need.

Are you a witness of Jesus? Are you living each day in quality praise, prayer and meditation? The time is short. Jesus is coming soon.

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


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