O To Be Saved How Marvelous!

What are you thinking about daily? What are your conversations about? 

As you learn to give your youth to Christ, don't get too caught up in political talk. There are limits to how much we need to participate. But these limits require understanding what the word of God tells us about responding to the politics of our times. 

There is a clear direction in the Bible about how we need to respond to politics, in one word, PRAY. Staying informed is one thing, but indulging in debates and discussions will bear no fruit because the way of the world is selfish and evil. 

A sinner, the wife of Pilate, realised Jesus was good. However, the political and religious Jews failed to recognise the King of kings. 

When a saint strays from his vision, carried away by politics and outward blessings, he is worse than the heathen in the world. 

God chose to reveal to a pagan woman about Jesus. She believed and took action. The Jews, God's chosen, were too caught up in their hypocrisy to hear from God. 

Pray for believers. God is seeking servants, for the harvest is aplenty. Every born-again believer needs to become disciples. What a glorious calling. 

O to be saved how marvellous!

Stay focused on building your thinking on the word. The mind of Christ is the sound mind we have received from God. Seek His knowledge, wisdom and understanding to grow in His love. 

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen. 


Begin with God’s love


The Love Of God Is All-Powerful