How To Prepare Yourselves For The Coming Of The Lord?

[17] And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; TO MAKE READY A PEOPLE PREPARED FOR THE LORD. - Luke 1:17 KJV

The harlot Rahab preserved or hid Joshua and Caleb. The two spies = grace and truth. Jesus was the fullness of grace and truth. Later, Joshua instructed her to stay in the house when they would attack Jericho. Israel attacked Jericho but did not touch the people in Rahab's house.


(Revelation 19:7) The wife makes herself ready. The church is as a wife. All those who stay in church (God's will) will get caught up during rapture as the BRIDE.

(Luke 23:53,54) Before Jesus was laid in the tomb. The body prepared. On the third day, He resurrected. We must prepare ourselves to see our RESURRECTION.

(Amos 4:12) Prepare TO MEET GOD. Those who want to meet God prepare themselves. Do you want to meet God?

(Nehemiah 2:6) King asks Nehemiah when he'll go and return. King was joyful to send him. We are all sent by the will of God and are on a journey. To END the race VICTORIOUSLY. (Isaiah 38:1) God asked Hezekiah to prepare to die. Set your house in order. House - PERSONAL LIFE.


  • (Matthew 25:7,8) Of the ten virgins, five were wise, five foolish, and the wise five trimmed their lamps. Protect your anointing - oil.

  • (Psalms 5:3) Every morning, seek Jesus' face. Prayer prepares our lives.

  • (Luke 22:8,9) Observe the Passover - sanctify yourself daily.

  • (Ephesians 6:15) (1 Kings 20:12) Prepare for the battle - the gospel of peace. Shoes 👟 represent peace. Without peace in her heart, we cannot prepare ourselves.

  • (Acts 21:13) Paul was prepared to die. We need to die and also to be ready to die. The day of water baptism is a day to die in Christ. From then on, we need to die daily. Die to self-righteousness and self-will.

  • (2 Timothy 2:21) Prepare for every good work.

  • (1 Peter 3:20) The Ark was on Mount Ararat. We must be found on the holy mountain.

How many of you desire to prepare yourselves? Be obedient to God's word.

The time is short. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


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