How To Receive Strength In Time Of Need?

I want to share a testimony of a brother who received strength in time of need. What the feeblest prayer of His righteous can achieve!

“I was standing in a queue, over 250 in line, for a government tax related errand that was supposed to take not more than 20 minutes. It was a sunny day, thank God it wasn’t too hot.

This was the first time in many years, probably ever, the queue was this long. It was my first time for this work. Prior to this, mom used to get the work done. She was too weak to go, so I left with a much younger brother in Christ.

The line at first did not seem to move, it was 11:30am. Everyone around kept chatting about how they’ve never witnessed such a long line for this work. Some assured it would get over quickly.

After a while, there were intermittent bursts of movement and we thought this would be quick. I ended up missing my lunch at 1pm, thinking it will get over soon and I can have it soon after the work is over.

Not realising how much time had past, it was 3:30pm, I began to feel woozy. A bike was parked beside, sat on it for a minute. Immediately realised I was losing energy quickly. I got down and walked a few feet away from the queue. Thank God He helped me see some space on a bench for 3 occupied by 2.

Jesus is our strength in time of need

As I sat, I couldn’t feel my body nor speak a single word. I started to sweat profusely, for sometime unable to feel anything. In my mind God enabled me to begin praising and thanking Him. Slowly my physical senses returned and within 30 minutes I began to regain strength.

While most people kept looking at me wondering what actually happened; one person began to speak loudly about how a queue with such a large number of people could spread Corona. Not something I wanted to hear at that point. I continued to praise God. After a while I got up and left to get some food. The errand was completed by 6pm.

I can never forget how in 30 minutes I had lost all sensation in my body. Spirit of God helped me praise Him and receive strength. I overestimated my physical strength and underestimated the govt employees incompetence. Nevertheless the work got done, I praise God for that.

The suffering cleared my head to help me be reminded of how awesome our God is and how wonderful He is because He is ever present. In my weakness, He was my strength. Glory be to God.”


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